Reimbursements are for items purchases by individuals for the university where the expense will be reimbursed to the individual. Services should never be purchased by individuals, see Contracting. For travel reimbursements, see Business Travel.
Staff, Faculty, and Students who purchase goods for the university with their own funds are eligible for reimbursements. Volunteers are also eligible, but every effort should be made to made to avoid reimbursing volunteers as issues with taxation could arise.
Staff and Faculty
- Complete Reimbursement Request Form
- Attach associated receipts of purchase
- If request is for meal or refreshment purchase, attach Purchase of Meals or Refreshments Form.
- Obtain all signatures
- Submit to Service Center
- Complete Reimbursement Request Form
- Attach associated receipts of purchase
- If request is for meal or refreshment purchase, attach Purchase of Meals or Refreshments Form.
- Obtain all signatures
- Submit to Service Center
Accounts Payable Calendar PDF Version
Information about Higher One can be found at https://inside.sou.edu/souone/index.html (please note the website refers to it as the “SOU OneCard”). Click on the Activate My SOU OneCard! link near the bottom of the page. From the menu on the left, the refund choice can be selected.
Please let us know if there are any questions. Your Service Center Support Specialist team is happy to assist you.
Information and Policies
See Business Services Purchasing webpage.